
West Hill Golf Club

Hole 10 - Par 4 - 424 Yards

  424 Yds   Par 4   S.I. 7
  411 Yds   Par 4   S.I. 7
  401 Yds   Par 5   S.I. 9

This tough hole requires a good drive ideally just left of centre to keep away from the bunker on the right and keeping short of the one on the left. The second is to a smallish green that slopes from back to front - players tend to under-club on this shot as it is slightly uphill and the bunkers in front of the green tend to foreshorten the distance - do not be fooled - take enough club and you will be rewarded.


Course Status

West Hill: Course open. Medical buggies permitted on paths and semi rough only.

West hill golf club

Bagshot Rd, Brookwood, Woking GU24 0BH


01483 474365

Pro Shop

01483 473172

Society & Visitor Enquiries

01483 474365

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