
West Hill Golf Club



A selection of OS maps showing the course and surrounds at different moments in its history

1896    1912    1916    1920    1934    1938

Note that the seventh hole is shown as forest until 1934 giving an approximation of when this hole was added.


Magazine articles concerning West Hill

ISDN 1928    Livestock WW2    Golf Illustrated 1953    Golf Illustrated 1959    Golf Monthly 2016    Golf Monthly 2017


Newsreel Men v Ladies 1924    2016    2018


AA Guide to golf 1977

Clubhouse hangings 

When the redecorations were done last year for our Centenary, it seemed a good idea to hang our pictures and photographs in a more orderly way. Our ambition was to tell the story of West Hill Golf Club in pictures. As the Chairman of the Hanging Committee, I researched our archives and selected some old and created a number of new pictures for hanging.

My selection was to start with fresh photographs of our Founder Marguerite Lady Tennant, who married her second husband and our first Captain, Major Geoffrey Lubbock. These take pride of place in The Lubbock Lounge surrounded by pictures of our course.

The Bedser Bar has a facelift - literally. The Past Captains were promoted to the "top shelf". Did you know that in the 1920s and 1930s, the membership included as many as 6 Walker Cup players? Not only that, but we had 7 members representing England, Scotland, and Ireland in Internationals. And, one won the Open twice. And four played in either the semi-finals or finals of the Amateur Championship. Can you name them and which of these events they played in? I'll give you a clue with a roll-call of these giants of their time:
Harold Hilton Charles Hezlet Willie Murray
Eustace Storey O C Bristowe Lister Hartley
John Beck T A Bourn John Morrison
Guy Thompson
Most of them feature in our photographs, and, if not, an essential read is our book "The West Hill Story 1907-2000".
Memorabilia, special victories, and information on some of our long-standing traditional fixtures - The Father & Son Tournament, the Mellin, The Lucifers, The Senior Golfers' Society, The Cavaliers, are also hung or await hanging - these are all vital to our position as a premier club. Of course we are a members club, but our traditions take our reputation far a field and are worth preserving. Of course, the ladies have contributed as have the Juniors. Yet more photographs are to be added with future triumphs.
Finally, the Bedser twins survey the bar just as they do in The Long Room at the Oval.

The Dining Room now has photographs of all past Presidents under the Presidents board. Entrance to the servery has a description of the original course and a more modern aerial photograph of the club property. Apart from the creation of the 7th and a restructured 16th, the course has changed little. It is still a perfect gem.

The Boardroom will have pictures of our past President Buckie and other courses.

The Mens Changing Room will house our collection of Ryder Cup photographs and some other courses.

The Ladies Changing Room"¦"¦I am not one of the select few to be allowed access!

The Entrance Hall has become more inviting and alive with the new silver cabinet and will have more pictures by the door.

Roger Wood
March 2010

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