
West Hill Golf Club

Father and Son 2023
Mon 3rd to Thur 6th April

Conditions of Entry and Application Form

Conditions of Entry 2023

Matches to be played over 18 holes and continued, if necessary, until one side wins a hole. Both Father and Son must be playing members of a recognised golf club with a WHS handicap index, both at the time of application and throughout the tournament, and both must be of amateur status. Father and Son must be blood relations or the son needs to have been legally adopted. Step relations are not eligible.

The maximum handicap allowed in the tournament, and at the time of application, is 26 aggregate. This must be the combined handicap index of the 2 players.

Entries must be made on the official application form, and a bank transfer is required by 31st January 2023. The draw will be published on our website and sent out by email mid / late February. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry without assigning a reason and, if necessary, replace players who have scratched after the draw has been published.

The return of entry fees to accepted entrants after the draw has been made is not guaranteed. If a late withdrawal results in a bye being given, a refund will not be made. Once entries have been accepted, no substitutions are permitted without the prior permission of the Chairman of the Tournament.

The use of a powered buggy will only be allowed at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. Any request must be made In writing and accompanied by a letter of explanation from a medical practitioner no less than seven days before the First Round Practice Round information to be confirmed with start sheet. The decision of the Tournament Committee on any matter will be final.

Competitors must start at times specified. Penalty - risk of disqualification. Handicaps: 1/2 difference of combined.

ENTRY FEE: £210.00 per pair
CLOSING DATE: Monday 31st January 2023

In addition to the main tournament, competitors can enter two further competitions, these are:-

Wednesday 5th April 2023 - STABLEFORD FOURSOMES COMPETITION Pairings: Two Fathers and Two Sons

Thursday 6th April 2023 - VALERIE CORNISH SALVER Stableford Foursomes Competition - Pairings: Father and Son



Course Status

West Hill: Course open. Medical buggies permitted on paths and semi rough only.

West hill golf club

Bagshot Rd, Brookwood, Woking GU24 0BH


01483 474365

Pro Shop

01483 473172

Society & Visitor Enquiries

01483 474365

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