
West Hill Golf Club

Course Bulletin
Winter and Spring Programme 2015

Drainage Work on the Greens
The recommended work began on Feb 10th and already the 1st, 4th, and 8th have been drained, the trenches have been back filled and  the delicate job of replacing turf is
underway.  The first will be finished by 7th March, the others quite shortly afterwards. 1200 metres of drainage has been installed into these three greens alone.  It must be
recognised that all of the planned works are weather dependent and certain procedures cannot go ahead during rain or frost.

Ben has installed inspection pits into each of these greens so that he can monitor how well the drainage is working. Already the signs are good.  Some linear drainage has also
been added to the 5th green.
By the middle of March work will start on the 14th green (where we are installing rope drainage); and the 2nd green.  They will then move on to the 15th.  This will leave the
following work to complete before the end of April:

7th Green new drain at the front of green plus returf
9th Green returf damaged areas
12th Green add drain to lower part of green
16th Green add drain to front half of green.
17th Green re turf back of the green around the gully.

14th Hole
On March 3 work started on adjusting the angle of the tee. The back of the tee will also be slightly widened with drainage being installed in the tee and pathway.  When completed
we will then look to remove ingrowing branches from the trees on the road.
Work on the 6th fairway bunkers is already underway.


Members will be aware that we have an ongoing woodland management programme.  This year the work which will be carried out will be as recommended by the agronomist. 
One of the things that came out strongly from the report is that our wettest greens don’t get enough light and air in the winter – see the extract from the report below :


All the wettest greens have notable shading from surrounding trees and/or are sheltered from prevailing winds (south-westerly). By reducing airflow and warmth from
the sun, this impacts hugely on how fast these greens can dry out. Compare the 18th green with the wetter greens; the subsurface problems are the same but the
18th is open to light and air from the east and south and so has a much greater opportunity to dry out. Morning light is the most important for raising soil temperatures
for drying and grass growth.                                                                                                      

Recommendation: Tree Work

Target trees to the east and south of greens for light and also to the west to improve air movement (prevailing winds are from the south to west).  Ideally trees should
not be any closer than 10 -15m of the green and there may be larger trees further away that cast shadows across the green. Where felling is not  possible or
necessary aim to allow at least intermittent light through to the turf in the winter by clearing gaps/corridors through the canopy.”

Greens Committee
March 2015

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